Your Gut or Your Guts?

You might have a belly for a few reasons, including posture, extra adipose (fat), gas (due to food intolerances and, therefore, fermentation), bacterial overgrowth or imbalance, a parasite, hormones, pregnancy, or it might be a symptom of something that requires more urgent attention (bloating can be a symptom of ovarian or bowel cancer). 

Bloating might be due to dysbiosis, or an imbalance in the microbiome, the metropolis of bacteria that resides in our gut, mostly the large intestine. It is here that the bacteria ferment dietary fibre to produce short chain fatty acids, which exert a protective effect over the gut, as well as aid in the production of neurotransmitters. It is also here that a balanced microbiome supports the immune system reduces inflammation, increases antioxidant output, promotes fat metabolism (including its reciprocal relationship with the liver and bile production), and improves insulin sensitivity. 

Dysbiosis is also associated with some mood disorders, such as anxiety and depression, due to the intricate connection between the brain and the gut (gut-brain axis). The gut produces neurotransmitters, including serotonin, which influences our mood; a lack of dietary fibre leads to a lack of short chain fatty acids, which leads to a lack of serotonin production. There are other factors associated with serotonin production, including nutrient intake, however compromised gut health will play a big role in its insufficient production.

At any rate, bloating is common but it is not normal and needs to be investigated. There are a range of investigations that we can undertake to determine what is going on for you, based on exploring your presentation and medical history. I can refer you for tests, or even back to your GP for further investigation if I think it is warranted. From here, I will create a treatment plan for you.

If you are carrying extra adipose, there are a couple of things to consider. There is the possibility that extra weight deposited in the abdominal region can be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and metabolic issues, such as insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Adipose tissue was once considered nothing more than a repository for energy. Now, we have more of an understanding to appreciate that adipose is biologically active and is considered an endocrine organ, for all of the hormonal influence it exerts. Higher levels of adipose can alter appetite and satiety signals, promote inflammation, affect tissue repair and influence blood glucose regulation and insulin sensitivity. 

If you need help with this, make an appointment with me and we will work on bringing you to optimal health. 

If you are giving in to the message that you must be slim to be beautiful, perfect, successful, or anything else that you cannot see in yourself, then take heart.

You are absolutely perfect the way you are. 

Bikini body? You have one. 

Beautiful mind, body and soul? You are the complete package. 

Your outsides are fine. If there is any issue with your insides, let me take care of you. 


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